Clearing Vegetation Blockage at Airport Inn Footpath

On crossing the A538 eastwards, Wilmslow Footpath 102 by the River Bollin should provide a passage for walkers approaching the Airport Hotel, and Styal Woods beyond. However, bushes, copsed tree branches, brambles and plants such as himalayan balsam periodically smother the path and completely block rambler passage along it for its full 30 metres length.

So five of East Cheshire Ramblers Footpath Projects Team set out to restore the path with an open aspect. Several years of growth of branches rising to 10 metres from coppiced ash and sycamore stumps were cut down and the stumps reduced to ground level. Likewise blackthorn, hawthorn and bramble bushes and ‘undergrowth’ were raised to ground level. Rotted fallen tree trunks, covered in ivy, were sliced up and rolled further from the path. Some dead or dormant large diameter tree stumps were left, but the remaining path was cleared for two metres width.

Cleared, but some tidying-up to do.
David James, Janet Allan, Melanie Davy, Helen Battilana

My thanks go to four members of the Projects Team shown above. Five of us attended for a long morning which started very wet, and ended in sunshine. 19 work-hours were completed on site.