Ten years on

The ECR at the White Nancy Monument above Bollington

We haven’t seen much snow this winter if any, but ten years ago today the weather was quite different. I have gone back and shifted out some photographs of the weekend of January 30th and 31st 2010.
I led a walk on the Saturday from Bollington for the group with a healthy attendance. We had bright blue winter skies but I recall it was quite icy underfoot. See if you are on the first or third photographs.
We woke up the following day to a winter wonderland with a good covering of snow. A good day to get out on a local hike from Macclesfield which included a trek up to the icy heights of Shutlingsloe and Wildboarclough.

View towards Shining Tor – A sunny winter day but a biting icy wind.
ECR by Harrop Fold Farm.
Not quite the Antartic but this is the ice coated rocks at the summit of Shutlingsloe on January 31st 2010.
A snowy path at Wildboarclough. (31st January 2010)
Tongue Sharp Wood at Wildboarclough (31st January 2010).