Group long walk report 31st August

There was a healthy attendance for a recent walk from Monyash despite the weather forecast indicating a wet day.
Led by Graham Bothwell we set off at 10am southeast along the Limestone Way with the last of the sunshine soon disappearing by the time we reached Fern Dale. By now the weather was taking on a threatening look to the west as we continued via One Ash Grange Farm then crossing the wooded and deep Cales Dale. Ascending towards Calling Low, the rain started and so it was a stop to don waterproof gear but the rain didn’t really materialise. North of Calling Low we stopped for our morning break in the shelter of a tree belt.
Following more field paths and quiet lanes we descended to cross the River Lathkill at Coalpit Bridge where we intended to stop for lunch. By now the rain had set in and we retreated to the shelter of nearby woodland.
The first objective of the afternoon was to reach the village of Over Haddon by which time the skies were clearing to the west and at the village with the sun now returning it was time to get out of those waterproofs.
A sunny afternoon followed but the wind had freshened as we crossed fields passing to the north of Bole Hill to reach the Magpie Mine where we stopped for a short break. The final part of the walk was again across fields to reach Monyash where the group rounded off the day with tea and cakes in the Old Smithy Tearooms.

Graham leads the group at Fern Dale with the threat of wet weather just looming.

The cows are sitting down so it must mean rain is not far away.
The sunshine returns as the group heads out of Over Haddon.
Graham leading the group towards Bole Hill.