Poetry Please

The start or end of the Poetry walk depending which way you are walking.

There are some walks which exceed all expectations and this was one of them. Stemming back to the walk I led from Repton for the East Cheshire Ramblers earlier in the year, Steve Hull and I discussed a return visit to the area with thoughts of visiting Staunton Harold. I devised a walk starting out from nearby Melbourne and taking in also the village of Breedon on the Hill and walking through the grounds of Calke Abbey.

A cold air inversion as seen from the Cat & Fiddle. The Cheshire Plain is under all that cloud.

For once we chose a perfect day but we started out under murky conditions in Macclesfield. The drive towards Buxton headed up through a band of thick fog before suddenly bursting into bright sunshine under deep blue skies. We couldn’t resist a stop at the Cat & Fiddle to photograph the cold air inversion with the communications tower on Croker Hill ‘floating’ on the cloud.

Setting out beside the attractive mill pond at Melbourne.

The sluice at the mill pond, Melbourne

Parking at the attractive village of Melbourne we set out alongside the large mill pond with the village church as a backcloth and stopping to take a few photographs on this perfect early autumn morning with just that little chill in the air. Our first objective was to walk to the ancient hill top church at Breedon on the Hill and this involved a pleasant walk across undulating fields of heavy dew in the bright autumn sunshine. An ascent later followed joining the minor road to the hill top. Part of Breedon Hill has been eaten away by a quarry and the summit has an Iron Age hill fort and today dominating the summit is the fine ancient church. We stopped for our morning break in the churchyard as a volunteer was opening up the church for the day. We spent a little while looking around inside the church afterwards our volunteer gave us a potted history of the fascinating building. There has been a religious site here since the 7th century but the present church is Norman and Grade I listed. In its fabric is incorporated many fine Saxon carvings. Of note is the Breedon Angel, a carving which dates from probably the 6th century and is located in the bell ringing chamber and not normally open to the public. An exact replica of the carving has been made and is one view within the nave. It is probably the earliest representation of an angel in England and one of our finest surviving pre-Conquest sculptures. Also of note are the box pews and the large enclosed wooden box pew. This grand wooden structure in the north aisle is the Shirley pew, with its carvings and obelisks it dates to 1627 and was originally placed in the main part of the church. The Shirley family would have sat in ‘the box’ keeping themselves private from the ‘less important’ members of the congregation.

The ancient hill top church of St Mary & St Hardulph at Breedon on the Hill

The Breedon Angel. This is the replica of probably the earliest stone carving of Christ in Great Britain and dates from probably from the 6th century.  The original carving is in the belfry.

The village green at Breedon on the Hill. The unusual war memorial was constructed in 1926.

Steve and I now descended to the village of Breedon on the Hill. On the green we passed the War Memorial which is listed at Grade II. The Norman-style war memorial was constructed in 1926 and is of an unusual and unique design. We took a very good path west from the village through the newly constructed Breedon Priory Golf Course and later on a newly created field path towards Spring Wood. Through Spring Wood and beyond towards Staunton Harold we passed through several wooden squeeze stiles each with part of a quotation from a poem. Running north to south the quotations are by John Blunt and in the opposite direction the quotation are by Hilaire Belloc.

This link gives more details;- www.woodlandtrust.org/mediafile/100698669/permissive-footpath.pdf?cb=66e2c82c12c445879828aebb429ee07f

Entering the grounds we had a lovely view down to Staunton Harold Hall and a convenient seat in the sunshine made it an excellent spot to have lunch. We afterwards crossed the ornamental bridge to enter the grounds in front of the hall and took a closer look at the church which is now in the care of the National Trust but is closed except summer weekends.

A perfect spot to stop for lunch with this view to Staunton Harold Hall.

The grounds at Staunton Harold Hall with a view to the church.

Staunton Harold Church was built in 1653 by Sir Robert Shirley of Staunton Harold Hall, which stands beside the church, and it is a fascinating example of Stuart taste. Shirley, later 1st Earl of Ferrers, risked the displeasure of Cromwell and his allies by his open act of defiance in building the church. The church is unusual where gender separation is still in practice.

Staunton Harold Hall is set in a 2000 acre estate and its history goes back some 500 years. The Shirley family have had a chequered history, with several reversals of fortune. Sir Robert Shirley was an ardent royalist, and built the church here in defiance of Cromwell. He was imprisoned six times, and died in the Tower of London, aged 27. From exile in France the future Charles the Second wrote to his widow, promising redress in better times and, true to his word, restored the family’s fortunes. They became Earls Ferrers under Queen Anne. In 1760 the Fourth Earl Ferrers, a dissolute rake, shot and killed his steward, John Johnson. For this he was tried by his peers in the House of Lords and condemned to death and was the last peer to be hanged. In more recent times the house was put up for auction with plans to demolish it but it was thankfully rescued by Leonard Cheshire to become a Cheshire Home. The house is now privately owned.

Time for a locally made ice cream at the Ferrers Centre, Staunton Harold.

Steve and I stopped for a locally made ice cream at the courtyard of the Ferrers Centre before pressing on along a field path to Heath End and later passing through the wooded nature reserve at Dimminsdale. After a little road walking we entered the grounds of Calke Abbey and passing the church en route towards Calke Abbey itself. We continued through the grounds and walked beside Mere Pond before taking the path around and above Staunton Harold Reservoir. The reservoir was built in 1964 to serve Leicester and the towns of northern Leicestershire. Although no villages were lost in the construction of the reservoir, Furnace Farm, New England Farm and Calke Mill were submerged and their remains lie 25 metres below the surface. We followed the B587 for a short distance before following another field path to Melbourne and back to the car.

Melbourne is just an hour and a half drive from Macclesfield and this walk is full of fascinating history. I would be happy to lead it for our group as a summer walk and could arrange a car share for anyone not wishing to drive there. Please E-mail if you have any comments.

Nephin’s little brother

Setting out along the Letterkeen Loop Walk along easy forest tracks to begin with.

Having climbed Nephin in the wild northwest corner of County Mayo back in 2016, I decided this summer to take on its little brother Nephin Beg. These two mountains are not juxtaposed but lie some ten miles apart and whereas the 808 metre Nephin can be ascended and descended in a half day, Nephin Beg is a much more serious undertaking.

I have waited for a fine day to venture into this remote area and drive west through the busy and bustling town of Ballina to reach the smaller town of Crossmolina from where I continue a short distance on the R315 then R316 which is the Irish equivalent to our B class roads. Turning off, my drive continues across country initially on good country lanes for several miles and scattered with isolated farmsteads. The countryside gradually becomes wilder with vast low level moorland with bogs, broken only by occasional blocks of forestry. I am entering what is known as ‘Wild Nephin’ and it’s not long before I am driving on a road consisting of two strips of tarmac with a copious line of grass along the middle. Using the 1:50,000 Irish Ordnance Survey map the yellow road shown becomes grey indicating I’m on what is called ‘other road’. After a few more miles of twists and turns ups and downs I turn off along a forest track to reach my start point. This is the start of the ‘Letterkeen Loop Walk’, a 12 kilometre way-marked trail which I will follow partly on my outward and return trial to reach Nephin Beg.

For a few miles I am walking parallel with the Holes River. At this point the forest has been felled to provide some views.

The car park is deserted albeit one four by four parked up and in the silence of a perfect sunny morning and armed with the excellent 1;25,00 map entitled ‘Wild Nephin’ I donned walking boots and set out from the deserted and peaceful car park. Heading north I follow a good forestry track beside Holes River. There seems a real sense of remoteness all around in this landscape devoid of hardly any human settlement. After a mile or so of walking a car draws past me despite this area being within a gated forestry area. I reach the car sometime later which is now parked up in a forest clearing. I press on for another couple of miles through mostly a forested area passing on the way an emergency shelter.

Walking deeper into the remote country and for now staying on the good forestry track.

On the eastern flank of Nephin Beg with a view north to Slieve Carr which is said to be the remotest mountain in Ireland to reach.

Where there is a forest break on my left it is a good spot to leave the track and head uphill to gain the eastern flank of Nephin Beg. Initially the tussocky terrain makes it slow going, but as I gain height, so the walking becomes easier and after a stiff ascent of around 450 metres I reach the eastern ridge leading along towards the summit of Nephin Beg. The views have opened out along the summit ridge and it’s a relatively short walk to the summit cairn at 627 metres.

The summit of Nephin Beg marked by a prominent cairn. This view looks west towards Achill Island. Time for my lunch stop.

After taking a few photographs I chose a spot just to the southeast with a view for lunch. After a rather warm ascent it is nice to feel the cool breeze and to enjoy the sunny intervals. The landscape is a sea of mountain, moorland and forest with virtually no sign of human habitation. To the north lies the higher mountain called Slieve Carr which is said to be the hardest summit to reach in Ireland as it is so remote but it’s on my bucket list to do one day.

Time for my descent from Nephin Beg via this broad ridge with plenty of boggy bits to avoid.

For the return leg, I set off south down the easy broad ridge passing on the way a few peaty areas with peat hags. Two people are coming the other way as I cross the col and start out on the ascent of the lesser hill called Cruckgarru. It is the two ladies that past me in the car on the forestry track who as it turned out are local to the area and know that the forestry gates will be open all day. They have two small but boisterous dogs that are delighted in jumping up on me as I chat with them. They are surprised to come across anyone out on the mountains.

Once over Cruckgarru, I descend towards the Lough Avoher Emergency Shelter which consists of enclosed shed but open to the weather on the northeast side. Before reaching it, the ground becomes quite boggy. Not far from the shelter I pause awhile in this truly remote landscape. A sign points along the Bangor Trail which runs through this remote area and is a serious undertaking and it has been described as the loneliest place in Ireland. Another notice warns that a bridge along this trail is down and the only way across a river was to wade. At least I’m not going that way.

The junction with the Bangor Trail close to the Lough Avoher Emergency Shelter which leads into a even remoter area.

Looking back along the Bangor Trail on the return which concurs with the Letterkeen Loop Walk.

One of the metal footbridges which span the many streams on the Bangor Trail.

Towards the end of my walk the Bangor Trail runs through this attractive bracken filled valley.

Meanwhile I set off along the Bangor Trail in the opposite direction and towards the car on this fine summer’s afternoon. The trail is quite rocky underfoot and so progress is slow and I stop several times to take photographs. Little metal bridges span the streams and later the path runs through a shallow bracken covered valley before veering left to reach the car park to complete a most enjoyable walk.

Details of Letterkeen Loop Walk;-


Detail of map used for this walk;-


Group walk report 14th December

The bleak and lonely Woodhead Chapel which has a history extending over 500 years.

Nick Wild led this small group of East Cheshire Ramblers taking in a high level route above the Longdendale Valley for the outward leg and returning along the Longdendale Trail.
Setting off from Padfield on this cold winter’s morning we headed off down through the village to the southern shore of Bottoms Reservoir before crossing the dam and heading up through Tintwistle to gain Arnfield Lane.
Along this lane we turned right onto a good hill track but in doing so got caught in a brief hail and snow squall. After a short coffee stop we continued along the rim via Black Gutter to Millstone Rocks following a rather indistinct path in places with plenty of boggy sections. Later we descended on a path down to the relative shelter of Crowden for our lunch stop.
As discovered on the reconnoitre the permissive path around the eastern end of Torside Reservoir was closed but a suitable alternative was available which was followed to the isolated and lonely Woodhead Chapel which today felt very bleak.

This remote chapel has quite a long history and today lies at the end of a short cul-de-sac above the very busy A628. The building is semi abandoned and graveyard is overgrown. There has been a church on this site for 500 years and the graveyard was used to bury the navvies who died whilst building the Woodhead Tunnel. It is rumoured that the unconsecrated field behind was used to bury those navvies who were non Anglican and the same field was used to bury victims of cholera that swept the valley.

We had no alternative but to follow a very short section of the A628 before following the embankment across to link up with the Longdendale Trail which we would stay with for the easy and level walk back to the cars.

The Longdendale Trail was opened as a combined foot and cycle way in 1992. The path was formerly part of the Woodhead Railway which ran between Manchester and Sheffield which closed to rail traffic in 1981.

A still grey day on Torside Reservoir.

Group walk report 3rd December

The group gathered on Windgather Rocks.

By Ian Mabon

There were ten East Cheshire Ramblers setting out at 10 am on this walk from Taxal lay-by car park on the A5004, led by Anton Woolford, who has been leading walks for us for a number of years now.
The weather was cold but sunny and we crossed the Goyt to the village of Taxal from where we took a field path up towards Taxal Edge. At the top we got good views of the Todd Brook valley. We continued south and later turned west to reach Windgather Rocks where we had a morning break. The views from here were even better, looking south to Shining Tor and Shutlingsloe, and west to the Cheshire Plain.
We restarted after the break continuing south to Pym’s Chair and then onto the ridge of Cat’s Tor and finally to Shining Tor itself which at 559 metres is the highest point in Cheshire.
After enjoying the excellent views from here, we turned southwest to Stakeside, then down the hill to have lunch near Errwood Reservoir.
After lunch, walking along the side of the reservoir, we were rewarded by superb autumn colours reflected in the waters of the reservoir.
After Errwood we followed Fernilee Reservoir for a time then turned up Deep Clough for a short but sharp climb to a higher path (the sting in the tail!). At the Fernilee Dam we crossed over to follow the River Goyt back to the car park. A great time was had by all!

Setting out above Taxal Church with a view towards Eccles Pike.
Nearing the summit of Shining Tor.
Heading down towards Errwood Reservoir.

Group walk 7th December

A Christmas Carol Ramble – Written by Jenny Bordoli

The group outside Nether Alderley Church.

On Saturday 7th December, an enthusiastic group from East Cheshire Ramblers met at the National Trust Car Park at Alderley Edge for a 5 mile walk with a seasonal flavour.Thirty two of us set off down Bradford Lane to St Mary’s Church at Nether Alderley where we enjoyed the Christmas carols sung by the excellent Barnby Choir. We were delighted to be greeted by our very own welcome sign, created especially for us by John Edwards and Marion Duff, who are ramblers and also sing with The Barnby Choir. We were encouraged to join in the singing where appropriate and were soon feeling in the festive mood. The current church is very attractive and dates from the 1300s. It is built from local stone quarried at The Edge and slate from Kerridge. The Old Saxon preaching cross and the 1200 year old yew tree in the church yard indicate this may have been a very early place of worship.
After about half an hour, at the end of the first session of carols, we continued on our walk. Everyone was feeling cheerful as we made our way down Hocker Lane in the winter sunshine. We then continued to Finlow Hill where some members, who were a bit short of time, made their way directly back to Bradford Lane and then to the car park that we started from. The rest of us continued on to cross the B5087 and returned to start via Hill Top.
We all agreed that our Christmas Carol Walk had been a great success and that we should make it an annual event. I am looking forward to the next one already.

Some of the group gathered outside Nether Alderley Church.

A welcoming sign at the door.
The Barnby Choir at Nether Alderley Church.
Enjoying the carols.

Somerset days

Imagine a hill side carpeted in this rich combination of heather and gorse.

Over the past couple of years I have been nibbling away at walking the Somerset Coast Path between Bristol and Lynton and now I am nearing the end of this trail. Looking back, it seems a long time ago that I set out on a very warm summer’s day this year to walk the section west of Minehead.

My original plan had been to walk west from near Quantock’s Head to walk the section to Watchet then return over the Quantock Hills but this meant some beach walking and only accessible at low tide and todays timings meant that this wouldn’t be feasible. Another section from Watchet to Minehead I had reserved for a winter’s day as it was low and flat.

Walking west from Minehead towards Selworthy on a very warm day.

Another section of the coast appealed to me was to do a circular walk west of Minehead over Selworthy Beacon and this is what I opted to do.
From a glorious warm and cloudless morning, the coastal fog was hugging the coast as I neared Dunster. It was the only area for many miles around where there was cloud and this was just the area where I intended walking. I drove into Minehead and was just into the murky area. Parking up in Alexandra Road I opted to walk the inland part first which looked much brighter. Setting off through Minehead it was a road walk via Irnham Road, Friday Street and The Parks by which time the sun was braking through. I was glad to get off the roads as the latter had no pavements and I found a good path to follow south of Woodcombe. I found a seat in the shade for my morning break before setting off again. The path towards Bratton seemed a good option and was well defined and shady, and for much of the way ran through woodland. The sun was already hot by the time I’d reached Bratton. Here I joined a lane running north then west passing historic Bratton Court which dates from the 14th century. I next continued on a field path which later ran along the northern side of Little Headon Plantation – a very pleasant route with views to Selworthy Beacon and the woodland also gave me a bit of welcome shade. To reach Selworthy I joined an exceedingly narrow lane and despite being marked as ‘yellow’ on the Ordnance Survey Map a sign at the end of the lane stated that it was unsuitable for motor traffic and I could see why. It was a pleasant lane to walk and ahead of me, the coastal fog still hung to the hillside above Porlock Weir. Selworthy Church which mostly dates from the 15th century was gleaming white in the bright sunshine but I didn’t stop to go in today but continued on to the National Trust village. The ‘chocolate box’ cottages made for some good photographs in this very picturesque location and there was hardly anyone around and the whole place seemed almost deserted. I wandered down through the village which was originally re-built as a model village to provide housing for the aged and infirm of the Holincote Estate.

This narrow lane leads down into Selworthy and I am just glad that there is no traffic. Note the last of the coastal fog clearing from the hill west of Porlock.

The historic Selworthy Church gleaming white in the strong sunshine.

The picturesque village of Selworthy minus its tourists on this fine sunny morning.

The Packhorse Bridge at Allerford. – A picture often seen on calanders and boxes of chocolates.

To reach picturesque Allerford I followed an enclosed track and paused at the medieval bridge which spans the stream in the village. This bridge together with the attractive house behind appears on many calendars. Just west of Allerford I branched off to join a woodland path through the bottom of Allerford Plantation before walking down through West Lynch then along the lane into Bossington, another very attractive village. En route, I passed the Lynch Chapel of Ease which dates from 1530 and was used by monks from Athelney Abbey.

Another pictureaque village as I wander through Bossington.

From Bossington, I now headed out towards the coast and Hurlstone Point following a woodland path at first. I was glad of any breeze as I neared the headland. I now skirted around on a coastal path before ascending steeply to the ridge on the northeast side of Hurlstone Combe. What was of note was the fine display of purple heather and yellow gorse and what a colourful and somewhat unreal combination. At a high point on some rocks I stopped for lunch with a glorious view along the Somerset coast. The coastal fog had all gone and there was a real thundery heat in the sun.

This was my lunch stop on this very colourful hillside with a view west along the Somerset coast.

The Rugged Coast Path – a quieter route along the northern edge of Selworthy Beacon but a hot one today. Over three miles i saw only one other couple.

Rather than following the South West Coast Path eastwards over Selworthy Beacon I decided to take the path along the northern slope of the hill. It was called the Rugged Coast Path with
no escape for three miles. It was a delightful path to walk crossing the upper end of East Combe and Henners Combe on this remote section of coast but today it was perhaps a little hot with all the ascents and descents. The valleys were real sun traps and I was glad of any breeze when I reached the headlands. Over three miles I met only one couple coming the opposite way. Later I had to cross Grexy Combe and the ascent on the far side proved rather hot. On North Hill there was a choice of paths and my intention was to follow the South West Coast Path into Minehead. The route wasn’t clear and I ended up much too high but at least the path was through pleasant woodlands. Later, a zigzag path led down to the town just southeast of the harbour. The town was full of tourists and several people were in the sea despite the tide being well out. Near the West Somerset Railway Terminus I found a cafe selling ice creams so it was time for a short break. It was then just a short walk via roads back to the car after an excellent walk.

Now what’s this!. The view towards Butlin’s as you descend from the woods into Minehead towards the end of my walk.

Group walk report 5th December

Making the most of a drier spell of weather.

By Kathryn Carty

Nine East Cheshire Ramblers set out from just above the Ship Inn, Wincle for a circular walk taking in Croker Hill and Wincle Minn. The weather, whilst dry with reasonable visibility, lacked sunshine but it was certainly a bonus not to have rain and we were determined to make the most of the day. We also hoped that by climbing up into the hills we might avoid some of the mud resulting from what seemed like weeks of continuous rain. In the main this was achieved but we still encountered terrifically muddy stretches.

We walked up through the donkeys’ field opposite where the cars were parked, and headed past Wincle Grange which is a beautiful sandstone building constructed by Cistercian monks from Combermere in Cheshire and it may date from the mid 14th century.

The scenery was varied. We walked through a pretty wood towards Hawkslee Farm and then onto the Gritstone Trail and Wincle Minn. Morning coffee break was taken in a field overlooking the Cheshire Plain and Jodrell Bank. We then continued for a while on the Gritstone Trail with fine views towards the Roaches. The route went to Sutton Common and Croker Hill.

Fieldfares were darting between trees so it was impossible to get a good look at them. Buzzards were also about and a lone kestrel. We saw crows dive bombing a buzzard, the buzzard making its lovely mewing sound.

Lunch was a picnic in a sheltered spot on Fox Bank before heading down briefly to Hollin Lane, only walking on the road for yards before turning right onto the single tarmac road along Rossen Clough towards Civit Hills Farm. Just before the farm we took the path off to the left and we knew we were heading for serious mud. We weren’t prepared for the enormous horse which charged down the hill towards us, clearly bored with inactivity. Fortunately all was well and we got through the field safely on our way towards Butterlands Farm and Broomhill. We just followed the lane back towards Wincle Grange and back to the cars.

Everyone felt a sense of achievement when we returned to our cars and felt all the better for having been out in the outdoors with nature and having climbed over 1700 feet.

Group medium walk 30th November 2019

From the bright sunny skies of the Cheshire Plains to a very foggy and frosty Peak District was the order of the day for this medium walk from Hartington.
Our little group set off unaware of the challenges that lay ahead on what should have been a straightforward walk. Led by Kathryn Carty we set out east from the village and soon passed the historic Hartington Hall which is now a Youth Hostel. The building dates from 16th century and is Grade II listed. During the Jacobite rising of 1745 it is claimed that Bonnie Prince Charlie stayed there. Since 1934 the hall has been used as a Youth hostel and even boosts a bridal suite!
Leaving the road running east out of the village we followed Highfield Lane (a track) southeast to the top end of Biggin Dale. This normally dry valley was anything but dry and swamped by all the recent heavy rain insomuch that the path eventually became impassable. Our only option was to climb steeply out of the valley to make across country for the lane known as Liffs Road. With a morning break en route we made it over to the road and later descended via a frosty valley to Coldeaton Bridge. All was going well until we reached the bottom of the valley when our way ahead was barred by flooded ground. The only alternative was to back track and negotiate an awkward wall. Once over Coldeaton Bridge we had a short steep ascent where we stopped for lunch.
With time pressing, we headed into a rather deserted and the very peaceful village of Alstonefield along the track known as Gipsy Lane. In late afternoon sunshine we headed north and soon took a path descending into the shadow of Narrowdale Hill.
The walk through Beresford Dale threw up a few more flooding issues but with a few small deviations we got through dry shod. By now the sun was down almost to the horizon with the foggy conditions silently edging in from the east once more as we reached Hartington after an enjoyable and rather an eventful walk.

It’s Biggin Dale Jim, but not as we know it!

Before we gave up on the path down Biggin Dale. At this point we were pushing our way through the bushes on the right.
Our morning coffee break was taken here with the view over a flooded Biggin Dale.
A frosty walk down to Coldeaton Bridge.
Ascending out of Dove Dale
Late afternoon as we descend between Narrowdale Hill and Gratton Hill.
The sun is low and the first signs of low cloud spreading back in as we near Beresford Dale.

Shakespeare’s Avon Way – a circular walk at the eastern end.

Early morning sunlight on St Mary’s Church at the start of my walk.

On my many visits to Bristol each year, I usually get a walk in on my journey down or on the way back and over the past couple of years I have been nibbling away on walking the Shakespeare’s Avon Way which runs 92 miles from Tewkesbury to Naseby in Northamptonshire. Some of my walks have been linear where public transport is fairly straightforward but there are parts where public transport is near on nonexistent and so the only option has been to do the walk as a circular. The other problem as many of us are all too well aware of at present is flooding. The ‘Shakespeare’s’ Avon is all too prone to bursting its banks over the winter months and this autumn has very much proved the point.

A couple of weeks ago I was planning to walk another section of the Shakespeare’s Avon Way but bad weather was forecast. Having walked the path between Tewkesbury to Warwick, my original plan had been to walk the next section between Warwick and Ryton on Dunsmore and then catch a bus to Coventry then another bus back to Warwick. This would have meant a longer walk and certainly a finish in wet weather. I decided therefore on re-planning the day with an early start and doing a circular walk at the easternmost end of the Shakespeare’s Avon Way. For one thing, this walk was a bit shorter and wouldn’t require catching any buses. Furthermore, given an early start I probably could finish the walk before lunch time and hopefully prior to the rain setting in.

I left home early (5am) under starry skies and drove down to Welford in Northamptonshire but the journey was fraught with foggy patches. Dawn was breaking as I joined the M1 motorway and I reached Welford just at sunrise.
Parking in the village all was very quiet as I donned walking boots and wrapped up in warm clothing. It was minus three centigrade with a heavy frost and with all the recent heavy rain the road surfaces were very slippery.

Leaving Welford and following the Shakespeare’s Avon Way across frosty fields. A change in the weather is just apparant on the horizon.

Crossing frosty fields towards the shallow Avon valley east of Welford.

Setting out at 7.30am, the first rays of the morning sunshine was lighting up the warm coloured stonework of St Mary’s Church in the village. I crossed the main road and took a frosty path northeast. My plan first was to follow the Shakespeare’s Avon Way to Naseby and the location of the source of the river and my route initially was along the shallow valley of the infant River Avon. The meadows were a frost hollow and were choked with shallow fog. It was almost magical in the surreal light with the low morning sunlight casting long foggy shadows along the fields. Despite a heavy frost, the ground along the valley was waterlogged in places. I later crossed the River Avon near the former Sulby Abbey. Today a farmhouse lies on the site of the abbey which was founded in 1155 as daughter house of the Abbey of St. Mary and St. Martial in Newsham and in its heyday covered around 1500 acres. It was destroyed during the Dissolution of the Monasteries in 1538. I crossed more fields and gradually ascended to the Naseby Road. I would stay with this road all the way to Naseby, and with the fog being very much present it gave the opportunity for some interesting atmospheric photography. High cloud was edging in from the southwest and I knew that the magic of the early morning would soon be gone.

A magical morning with low sunrise across frosty fields along the River Avon valley.

The infant River Avon east of Welford.

The road had a coating of black ice much of the way to Naseby and I quite often found easier walking along the grassy verges and in any case most passing drivers seemed oblivious to the underlying road conditions as they sped by. It was always safer to leap up onto the verge well before a vehicle reached me.

The fog returns as I head towards Naseby but it makes an unusual atmosphere.

Sunlight through the trees as I near Naseby on this magical start to the day.

The foggy outline of All Saints’ Church Naseby eventually came into view. The church has a fine slender spire which was added much later than the 14th century tower. I explored the churchyard then stopped at a seat surrounding a tree in the centre of the village for a short break. The village hadn’t really come to life but as I tucked into my morning break the silence was broken with the church bell striking 9am. Unknown to me and very close by was a cone shaped monument which marked the source of the River Avon so this will mean another visit to find this one day. Several other rivers have their source in the area including the Nene and the Welland which both flow eastwards into The Wash.

All Saints’ Church in Naseby and time for an early break.

Naseby is far better known for its famous battle during the First English Civil War fought on the 14th June 1645. The Parliamentarians defeated the Royalists in this decisive battle and within a year the Parliamentarians had won the first civil war. Today I wasn’t visiting the battle site and instead headed through the village to take the minor lane to Thornby. Along this road the fog closed in and with the cloud edging in, the sunshine was soon watery. The frost was going quickly and the black ice along this lane was less of an issue.

In Thornby I crossed the main road and took a wander around the foggy churchyard of St Helen’s Church before taking a field path west to join the Cold Ashby Road.
En route to Cold Ashby, the fog suddenly lifted to reveal quite a grey day. In the village I made for the interesting church and took a look inside. The colourful east window was of a modern design and I was impressed by the modern metal seat outside commemorating World War 1. This modern bench seat is one of many such seats that are appearing in various villages up and down the country and made by David Ogilive Engineering of Kilmarnock.

The historic church at Cold Ashby but now the weather is beginning to change.

A modern bench seat outside St Denis’s Church commemorating World War 1

From the village I followed the lane west with views opening out to the south but at the same time rain bearing clouds were evident to the south and west. I did have thoughts of extending my walk but now, with the weather on the change it didn’t seem such a good idea. Just off this road I made a short detour to visit the Cold Ashby Trig Point but this is no ordinary trig point. Some could say it’s the ‘Cathedral of trig points’ as this is where it all started and a plaque on the trig point commemorates that this was the trig point from where the first observations were made for the re-triangulation of Britain on the 18th April 1936. I had been here before and on my previous visit, when the trig point stood in the middle of a field but since then a hedge has been planted so that it is now partially obscured.

The ‘famous’ Cold Ashby Trig Point where the re-triangualtion of Britain started in 1936.

Returning to the lane I continued over some marginally higher ground and veering north in the process. Descending, I re-crossed the A14 and soon took a bridleway on the right to skirt around towards the Northampton Road. The fields were now quite mucky and I picked up plenty of mud of my boots in the process. Way-marking wasn’t all that wonderful as I crossed fields but I came to the conclusion that at least this path had some footfall. I reached Court Lane and followed this west for a short distance then took an overgrown path north and had to scale a small gate. The path continued across fields to reach Welford and I pressed on into the centre of the village before following a couple of side roads back to the car. By now it had turned a very grey day and the rain that had been forecast didn’t seem that far away.

It had been a magical start to the walk but my journey down to Bristol via the Cotswolds was through torrential rain with some minor flooding.

Medium group walk report 16th November

Despite the Saturday weather forecast to be the drier day of the weekend this walk turned out to be on the wet side. Tony Littler led a party of eight setting out from Broadbottom.
Early into the walk there was the promise of a fine morning but the brighter skies weren’t to last.

We set off at10am soon crossing the swollen River Etherow before following the riverside path then cutting up to Broadbottom Railway station to see if anyone had arrived by train.
Crossing Mottram Road we ascended a flight of steps and later took a field path ascending to Hillend. Here we turned right and soon right again taking another field path which later descended through an overgrown area. Our descent continued to the Etherow Valley and we stayed on tracks all the way. Once across the River Etherow we ascended to Lower Gamesley and took an overgrown side path which Tony had cleared on his previous visit. Crossing some rough ground we were soon at the remains of the Melandra Roman Fort and the stopping point for our morning break. The Roman fort is still clearly visible as a square embankment but the site is very overgrown and neglected. The fort dates from the first century AD and was originally built with wooden fence along the embankment. The origin of the name ‘Melandra’ is unclear but it is thought that the Roman name was fort was ‘Ardotalia’. The wooden fort was soon replaced with a stone fort but the site is believed to have been only occupied for around ninety years. The stone was later robbed for local buildings, road construction and stone was even used in the construction of Mottram Church.

Our walk continued up through the housing estate at Gamesley to reach the A626 and soon afterwards we turned left on an extremely waterlogged path pitted with holes from horse hoofs. We inched our way across the quagmire with liquid mud up to the top of our boots. Conditions did become better as we reached Simmondley and Tony decided that it would be better to keep to residential roads in this area.

To get up to Cown Edge we took an uphill path which was quite narrow and slippery with plenty of muddy patches. We toiled up with rain bearing clouds beginning to close in. Our progress was slow, and as we reached the ridge so the weather closed in with a dense fine rain and lowering cloud. It was time for a late lunch and the only feasible spot was to stop at an area of woodland to get what little shelter there was. Some of us found a good spot which kept the rain off but over lunch the cloud settled in on the hill top. What a miserable day it had turned out to be.
The lunch stop was quite short and we set off along a very foggy Cown Edge with no views whatsoever. Another group came the other way appearing out of the gloom. For the afternoon and we pressed on along the cliff top over Coombes Tor and again Tony opted to take a firmer route rather than ploughing through more mud. We descended by passing Robin Hood’s Picking Rods hardly pausing as we passed this monument. Clad in full wet weather gear and heads bowed we pressed on in silence in the steady fine rain.
We later cut across a waterlogged field and followed a track, lane then field path down to Chisworth. Despite it being only mid afternoon the light was so bad with the cloud base well down on the slopes around us.
We crossed the A626 again and descended via a slippery and muddy path to the former Kinderlee Mill. This site is now modern apartments but the location is very much hemmed in the valley with no views. The decision was taken to stay on lanes now as the path through Tom’s Wood was near on impassable according to Tony. It meant a slightly longer route but at least it would provide some better walking underfoot. At the foot of the valley we re-crossed the River Etherow once more then it was back along our outward route in fading light despite it being well before sunset.

Sorry no photographs this time as the weather was so gloomy.