Prepare for take-off ! The walkers were buffeted by fierce winds on Kerridge Ridge.

Sixteen doughty East Cheshire ramblers battled through near gale force winds on a recent 10-mile walk led by Caroline Finlayson which passed along Kerridge Ridge where they were rewarded by stunning views over Bollington and the Cheshire Plain as far as the Welsh hills

Starting from Riverside Car Park on the edge of Macclesfield town centre, the walk travelled through residential neighbourhoods in order to cross the Silk Rd by the timber footbridge. Moving on to Clarke Lane the group joined a footpath on the sharp bend beside Endon Lodge and climbed steadily through fields to reach Kerridge End where they swung north along the ridge towards the trig point in the teeth of fierce winds sweeping in from the Plain.

They were therefore glad to take shelter behind White Nancy – a well-known local monument resembling a beehive which was erected by a local farmer in 1817 to commemorate the Battle of Waterloo. Last year it was painted with giant poppies to mark the 100th anniversary of the end of World War 1.

After descending from White Nancy the route zig-zagged through muddy fields between Rainow and Bollington to re-enter the town and ascend a steep flight of steps beside Bollington Aqueduct where it joined the towpath alongside Macclesfield Canal. The ramblers followed the towpath back to the car park past Victorian mills, gaily-painted narrow boats and roving – or turnaround – bridges which were designed to enable horses to remain hitched to the narrow boats as they crossed over from one side of the canal to the other.

Caroline Finlayson

Caroline Finlayson leads the walkers over Macclesfield Canal on a ‘roving’ bridge.


An Evening with Chris Bonington

Here’s an event which will interest all ramblers.  The Rucksack Club are hosting an evening in the company of Sir Chris Bonington on February 10th at The Heatons, Heaton Moor Rugby Club to start at 7.30.

Sir Chris is Britain’s best known mountaineer and one of the most successful expedition leaders in history.  He started climbing at the age of 16 and has been on 19 Himalayan expeditions, including 4 to Everest.  He is renowned for having made many first ascents in the Alps and all the greater ranges of the world.  This year Chris will be giving six new “life and times” talks, covering his sixty years spent in the mountains.  With original images and raw footage, this is a rare opportunity to hear about some of the greatest expeditions of the twentieth century.

The venue is on Green Lane, SK4 2NF, Grid Ref SJ 879 912.  From the “Glass Pyramid” at the M60 junction in Stockport take A5145 Didsbury Road, 0.66 miles to B5169 Moorside Road (traffic lights); in 0.3 miles turn right at traffic lights into Green Lane.  The Heatons Sports Club is 0.25 miles along on the left.

Members and under 18’s. £5.00

Non members and guests welcome. £10.00

A Wintry Walk with Brian

The hardy winter ramblers in Cavedale

Seven (fool) hardy souls set off from Peak Forest on Tuesday 20th January. The snow had already started to fall before we set off up Old Dam Lane. Leaving the lane to cross the fields vision dropped to 100 metres due to mist and snow,and it was almost impossible to make out the footpath. The decision was taken to follow the country road into Castleton ,rather than getting lost in the mist over the fields. The road itself was impassable to traffic. As we descended into Castleton the mist lifted opening up a wonderful snow covered landscape. Castleton itself was almost deserted; unusual for such a tourist trap.

After lunch we ascended Cavedale, arguably the most attractive dale in Derbyshire,and certainly one of the most  challenging. Footprints in the snow indicated that there had literally been only one man and his dog before us all day. All the more surprising then to be caught up by a woman on Nordic skis.It really was  amazing how fast she moved uphill. Eleven miles in the snow felt more like 15 miles in normal conditions. But at least we all got back safely,even though most of us slipped once or twice : the snow cushioning the falls.

All in all quite an exhilarating day.

Brian Griffiths

Wanderings Around Gawsworth

The party on a swing bridge over the Macclesfield Canal

Fairways Garden Centre at Sutton Lane Ends was the starting point for this eleven mile ramble. Sunny skies greeted the sixteen strong group who set off south via Parvey Lane to reach the frozen Sutton Reservoir which was built as a feeder canal to replenish the nearby Macclesfield Canal. Heading west, the group crossed fields to reach the parish church at Gawsworth and a convenient stop for elevenses in the shadow of the fine ashlar sandstone church. The present building dates from around 1430 and is a local landmark.

It wasn’t our last visit to Gawsworth on this walk as the group headed south on a popular path before skirting around via High Lane and The Mollards to re-enter the village on the western side for lunch in sheltered Gawsworth Park. The village sign depicts a picture of a jester known as Maggoty Johnson who was jester to Gawsworth Hall and his grave is located at nearby Maggoty Wood.

Another loop was made to the north of the village for the afternoon leg of the walk via Dalehouse Farm and Danes Moss Farm before crossing the Danes Moss Nature Reserve in low afternoon sunshine. Finally, the towpath of the Macclesfield Canal was followed back to the Fairways Garden Centre for a most welcome cup of tea and cake to round off the day.

Colin Park

Audrey making a presentation to Gwen in recognition of her excellent backmarking skills


Oh no! It’s All Different

Don’t worry – this is still the East Cheshire Ramblers’ web site that you know and love. It’s rather an unfamiliar look but you are in the right place.

Why the change?  The main idea is to provide more topical content in the form, for example, of news items and reports of our activities. The WordPress software we are now using makes this easy as well as easing the webmaster’s workload. Another good thing about it is that the site adapts automatically to different screen sizes so it will look good on your smart phone or tablet as well as a full size PC.

You will find some new things on the home page as well as the familiar list of next week’s walks. The full programme up to six months ahead is there and you can see where the walks start on a map.  The walks notice board is on the home page now as well and there is a map showing all the places we started walks from which might be useful when planning a walk for the future.  On the left of the page there are links to the latest five posted articles and links to each article category.

One of the categories is for the Winter 2014/5 newsletter.  Each article is published here as a separate post which has saved Ralph a lot of effort in laying out the pieces.  This is the last newsletter as such but individual articles can now be published at any time so the same information will still be available.



Editorial for the Winter 2014/5 Newsletter

“The time has come” your editor said “to talk of many things” (and apologise to Lewis Carroll). I have been your newsletter editor for eight years (16 editions) and this edition, besides being my swan song (but see below), heralds innovations in how ECR communicates with its members. You are reading it on our new-look website/blog developed with much initiative and hard work by our webmaster Roger Fielding.

As I said last time, we needed a fresh approach – one which is more timely and dynamic than once every six months when a lot of the news is “old hat” and one which can take advantage of modern communication methods such as smartphones and tablets.

Although Roger is still developing the new system, it appears that I may still be involved, so groanfully you may not be totally shot of me just yet. After all, I have to have some outlet for my much celebrated humour.

Having thrilled you with all this good news, I want to boringly remind you of recent newsletter history which has led us to these changes. Most of us (and I include myself) loved to receive a 6-monthly newsletter through the post which we could read over our shredded wheat and coffee, but for the last three years the posted version had to be limited to eight of the 14 or more pages and even then, could only be sent to the few members who requested it in their questionnaire response. Most of you could only access the newsletter on the website, and it had become increasingly clear to me that, apart from a small number of loyal readers, most regular walkers did not read it at all or just skimmed through it cursorily.

Although I was rather miffed a couple of years ago when a member said to me “You have to understand Ralph, nobody reads it”, I have concluded that if we replace “nobody” with “very few”, he was correct, and so to a large extent I was wasting my time and energy. Even my wife Margaret had never read the newsletter on-line until a few days ago.

Clearly, we needed a fresh approach, one which members felt they could engage with. In my last editorial I asked you to send me your comments and ideas. I think it proves my point about how many of you read what I write, as other than our webmaster Roger Fielding, I received no comments and ideas at all. Probably none of you read my editorial. For that matter, perhaps none of you are reading this one, so …. but this gets rather philosophical!

By the time a 6-monthly newsletter is published, most of the news is old news. In these days of websites/blogs, Twitter, Facebook etc few are interested in old news, we want topical news which we can get much more conveniently on our smartphones and tablets than on a PC or even on a laptop.

I was also concerned, that with so few people reading the newsletter, topics which keep their importance, such as footpath inspection and maintenance reports, were being missed by members.

I hope you will all welcome the new approach; Roger and I will be interested in your views.  Do please use the contact form on the web site to send a message of support or dissent and your ideas to us. I say “us” because in our most recent discussions, Roger and I have concluded that it is not correct to say that the newsletter has died, as it is being reincarnated in the form of timely articles on the website. So despite my swan song protestations, it looking like you will still be able to send articles to me and I will edit them appropriately for the website. I do not know how all this will pan out as we are still on a learning curve.



East Cheshire Ramblers celebrated the New Year with Keith’s ‘Sherry’ Walk – a 12-year-old tradition started by long-standing member Keith Hartley from Bollington, who has since stepped down from running the event but is still a regular attendee.

Jointly organised by Lorraine Tolley, Melanie Davy and Jake Ezair, this year’s walk attracted a record crowd of 38 ramblers, including four new members, who set off from Jackson’s Brickworks, Higher Poynton, and made their way along the Macclesfield Canal and through farm fields towards Ryles Wood .

After a brief pause for coffee at Parkgate, the party entered Lyme Park and climbed the incline outside Lyme Hall to reach the Cage where Lorraine and Melanie handed out beakers of sherry to toast in the New Year, accompanied by a generous supply of mince pies provided by Jake.

Suitably refreshed the group then returned to Higher Poynton by heading downhill and crossing a footbridge to exit the park at Bollinghurst Brook and then following the Goyt Way along the brook to rejoin the canal back to the brickworks.

“It was a particularly mild day, with nice temperatures for walking but, being Cheshire, there was a lot of mud“ said Melanie ruefully. “A bit of frost might have made the going a lot easier ! Even so, it was very enjoyable and a great way of seeing in the New Year.”

New Chairman for the Group and “A New Vision for The Ramblers”

new new mastheadJohn EdwardsThirty years ago, in 1984, I joined the Ramblers having been captivated by the landscape of the whole area – from Peak to Plain – as soon as we moved to Cheshire. Driving up to Teggs Nose for the first time I knew that I had to explore all that lay before me – and the East Cheshires provided the guides, mines of information and enthusiasm, stimulating days out and, particularly their companionship. Saturday walks and, come the summer, Thursday evening walks as a mid-week bonus, became a highly valued source of exercise, fresh air and general rejuvenation after work. Taking the family and our walking boots to the Jura mountains, the signposts proclaimed, “Le pays qui respire” and I thought, “The countryside which (lets you) breathe” – that is just what the East Cheshire Walks allow us all to do. And then I was introduced to Weekends Away, Coach Trips, Newsletters, Hoe Downs, Christmas Lunches and a great deal more all through our amazing fellowship and volunteers.

So, having benefited so much, it is more than time for me to try to give something back to the Group. I want to thank the many members who have encouraged me to join the Committee again ( I did so for a couple of years in the late 1990’s) this time as Chairman and especially my proposer, Ian Mabon. Also my predecessor, David Gylee, has provided generous support in the handover – one-to-one advice, a welcome party at his house for the new boy and the capable and well functioning Committee, all of whom I am relieved and grateful to know are staying in post; and he will be with me at the Area AGM on 21st November. And this mention of the Cheshire East Area brings me straight to business and “A New Vision for The Ramblers” published by Central Office in October and available on The Ramblers website.

This presages the most radical change since the 1970’s in the structure of The Ramblers’ organisation at National, Area and Group level and the respective roles of each. In brief summary, “The Vision” seeks to strengthen The Ramblers ability to deliver its Mission and Objectives by enhancing the role of the Area level working closely with, and reporting directly to the Chief Executive, Benedict Southworth. It is proposed that the Areas will have responsibility for, and oversight of, the Groups and their activities, allocating funds for the delivery of the objectives.

So my thought that joining the Committee would be a matter of “a touch on the tiller and steady as she goes” seems to be short-lived indeed. Therefore, please do read “The Vision” and Objectives statement and comment through the Survey document. Of course, I would like to hear your views personally by telephone, during a walk or by email. And I think that I do recall that, back in 1984, this debate had just come to a conclusion so any member with insights into that round of organisational discussion please get in touch.

Therefore my first Agenda item is likely to be a long running one – I look forward to working with the Committee on it and to keeping you informed.

John Edwards

From the Departing Chairman

The time has come, the Chairman said, to move on to other things.

After 3 years in the role as Chairman of East Cheshire Ramblers Group I am stepping down. It has been a busy, eventful, but nevertheless very rewarding period. I have been blessed with excellent help and support from the Committee and the Footpath Committee, as well as very many other volunteers.

The walks and the special events have been very memorable. As I heard from a member only last week, “This is the best Group to belong to”; I can certainly endorse that opinion.

It is the sign of a healthy organisation when personnel change and the organisation carries on as smoothly as before. I refer specifically to changes in the organisation during the past year; Sue Thersby taking on the role of Long (Week-end) Walk Co-ordinator, Roger Fielding taking on the role of Webmaster and Steve Hull taking on the role of Evening Walk Co-ordinator. So as I leave the role of Chairman, John Edwards will be taking over; an excellent choice who many of you will have known for many years. Even though I have had an interesting and very enjoyable time as Chairman I do personally believe after 3 years that you need someone new with fresh ideas and enthusiasm.

I do also believe that the Group has moved forward during my time as Chairman. I think especially of the excellent footpath project work, the new concessionary footpath, and recognising the necessity of moving onwards into this digital age.

During my second year as Chairman I discovered that the Group was formed in 1973 to ‘maintain and improve footpaths’. Our ethos was (and still is) about footpaths. My thanks on behalf of the Group go to all footpath inspectors as well as the projects undertaken by Brian Richardson and his merry band of volunteers.

All of our special and social events have been well supported, quite regularly events are “sold out” and a waiting list formed. Week-ends away have been vibrant and lively. The organisers (thank you Ann Thompson, Alan Catherall, Jane and Frank Gay) can be relied upon to choose a week-end with glorious sunny weather. Coach trips, organised by Brian Griffiths, have been varied and interesting; again well supported with a “large” coach needed on frequent occasions.

I would also like to remind members about our excellent publicity in the local Macclesfield and Wilmslow Express newspapers. Having been initiated by Roger Norton earlier this year, Walk Leaders have stepped forward and produced articles for the papers that are widely read and appreciated. I have been approached on more than one occasion by people who have noticed our name and are enthusiastic readers. No doubt one day they will come and join us. Helen Richardson is at the moment carrying on Roger’s good work while he is away in Australia. Without doubt this publicity has kept our name in the spotlight and has resulted in attracting new members to join our Group. Please do consider making a contribution if and when you can.

I am frequently impressed by the talents on offer to our Group. As well as the footpath project work mentioned earlier, we do have an excellent website, developed by Graham Beech and continued this year by Roger Fielding, with new ideas and features improving the speedy access to information for all. Then there is the lively and stimulating newsletter, painstakingly put together by Ralph Atherton, which will soon be replaced by a more up to date website facility.

If I have missed anyone out I do apologise. I know that we have a host of volunteers who perform an invaluable service to the Group. Thank you to one and all!

I will briefly mention Membership, which has seen a steady decline over the last 3 years, part of a trend for some time. While a significant part of the Membership is totally outside of our control, it is indeed gratifying to know that overall walking membership has increased slightly in that period. However, it must be recognised that the Group as a whole is aging. When I joined 9 years ago, the ‘core’ walking membership is still the same ‘core’ walking membership today. We must consider the future walking membership, and I would urge all to reflect and consider how we might attract a younger walking membership in order to keep the Group active and thriving in future years.

David Gylee

The Llandrindod Wells Weekend – October 2014

new new masthead

Well, the forecast for this weekend could not have been worse. Heavy rain all day Saturday and all day Sunday was the outlook during the forecast on the previous Thursday. We actually managed to have little or no rain on either day. The views were excellent; I had imagined having to actually describe the views to my groups while we trudged through cloud on a wet and dreary day. But thank goodness this was not to be. There were 52 is on this weekend, mainly staying in the Metropole hotel in Llandrindod Wells. What an excellent deal this was; they charged us £57 for dinner bed and breakfast and full use of the leisure facilities. Many of us could be found in the pool, jacuzzi, steam room or sauna at the end of our day’s walking. I really must thank all the leaders. This was by no means the easiest areas to reccie. I know that several of the leaders had a really difficult time. Map reading was a skill which was virtually useless, since clearly marked routes on the map did not exist on the ground. Below follows individual leaders accounts of their walks.

John, John & Mike on Ian’s walk

Saturday – Short Walk – Pat & Bob Bland

After torrential rain on the Friday night, Bob and Pat led a cheerful group of sixteen on their 7 mile circular walk starting from The Metropole Hotel. After fifteen minutes the beautiful Lake came into view from where we climbed up through woods and gained the Trig Point on Beacon Hill with its great 360 degree view back to Llandrindod Wells and surrounding countryside. We had cooled down by the time we had reached Shakey Bridge, so named for a previous perilous crossing and after viewing the ancient Church of St. Michael we made our way back to Shakey Bridge for a well -earned coffee stop in glorious sunshine. We then climbed steeply skirting Bailey-Einon Wood and on to Pentre and back West to Glanyrafon for lunch. We were soon back walking via Noyadd and Trefonen and most of the party took afternoon tea at the Cafe on the Lake.

Saturday – Medium Walk – Frank Gay

The walk started at the Railway Station to catch the 10.30 train to Cilmeri, two stops down the line. The train only stops there if requested. The walk began along farm tracks before reaching the beautiful and peaceful Wye valley. Our coffee stop in bright sunshine by the river bank was particularly pleasant but the leader did not allow the party to linger as we had just over 10 miles to cover on the walk. After a few miles we left the river behind but enjoyed excellent views of the surrounding hills. We then headed to our river crossing at Newbridge on Wye. Along this stretch of the Wye there are several paths shown crossing the river but unless you had a boat or a big pair of waders you would get very wet! From Newbridge the route crosses farm land and provides a challenge to the leader’s navigation skills. After one final jungle section we were back in the town and some of the party went for tea at the Lake café others just went to lie down.

Saturday – Long Walk – Graham Bothwell

This walk started with a bus ride from Llandrindod Wells to St. Mathews Church, Llanelwedd. Starting the walk under Llanelwedd Rocks, an SSSI, we removed our waterproofs and gained height passing Maengowan and Caer Fawr, enjoying extensive views towards Castle Bank and Gilwern Hill. Leaving Carneddau the descent to Cwm-berwyn was via a narrow wooded valley entering the site via a lawn! Passing through the next farm, Cefnbychan, we did not encounter the lively dogs and walked up Castle Bank using ‘access land’. We walked along the ridge towards one of the many hill forts in the area and hoped to use one of the hidden footpaths. As the bracken had died back the footpath was now visible and, using access land we climbed towards Gilwern Hill. Crossing a minor road to join a dirt track we had lunch and enjoyed open views across the moors and hills of what was Radnorshire and could just see the Black Hills on the far horizon 25 miles away. On our way towards Gilwern Hill we passed a private limestone quarry where, palaeontologists have found fossils such as trilobites. Apparently the Builth-Llandrindod Inlier is a small area which contains a treasure-trove of fossil information. The return to Llandrindod Wells was via a byway, minor road and footpath taking us over Llandrindod Hill before descending to the café at The Lake where most of the group cleared the outdoor tables before consuming tea and cake.

Sunday – Short Walk – Jane Gay

I led this walk and about 15 of us left the hotel and walked around the back to the lake. After a couple of seriously steep climbs we were up on the tops where we stayed for the rest of our walk. Even though I say it myself, it was a very pleasant walk with lots of fabulous views. On the reccie, the day before, a very large bull and been standing in front of the style and Frank and I had made a detour!! Having prepared the group a detour was not necessary as he was at the far end of the field. The group did walk very quietly and quickly through that field!! On our return some of us had tea and cakes at the lake cafe while others set off for home.

Sunday – Medium Walk – Sue & Chris Munslow

The weather was just right for walking, a beautiful bright sunny day. We left the hotel to walk by The  Lake and enjoy the views  before beginning to walk to higher ground through the local golf course and reaching the trig point.  Looking back towards the town we could see for many miles the rolling hills of mid Wales.   Although it was a struggle to use the map to find a circular walk, trial and error enabled us to discover a lovely byway over a wild and remote moorland . we walked in a south east direction passing smalls lakes and cairns in the remote area Pawl-hir and Careg Grog. As we walked back towards Llandrindod Wells we viewed an interesting landscape which also revealed the long history of early settlements at Castle Bank Hill and St Michaels Church.

Sunday – Long Walk – Ian Mabon


On the Sunday, 5th October, a bright start encouraged 12 walkers to assemble at nearby Newbridge on Wye for the promise of a 12 mile, 2,100 ft ascent walk with a bit of off piste (balanced by some road walking!). Leader Ian Mabon, replaced wife June. Once into Welsh farm land, with the occasional diversion to avoid path obstructions, the path opened onto moorland and we had a coffee break in preparation for the assault on local peak Drum Dhu (538 m). The weather was still fair and to the south we could see the Beacon Beacons and the Black Mountains. At the top, a cairn which looked like a burial chamber, was encountered but efforts to establish its history had drawn a blank. An early lunch stop at 12:30 pm was determined by some gathering clouds which obligingly held off dropping a not very heavy payload until the party was packing up to start the return journey. Cagoules were not needed for long as the route descended to join the Wye Valley Walk, at first through National Trust estate, then fields and woodland back to the start. A particularly pleasant welcome was given to the ECG weekend away and the Sunday long walk party by local business man Pip Samuel who allowed the walkers to use a private car parking area in Newbridge on Wye near the local football pitch.

Jane Gay      Photos by Graham Bothwell