Oh no! It’s All Different

Don’t worry – this is still the East Cheshire Ramblers’ web site that you know and love. It’s rather an unfamiliar look but you are in the right place.

Why the change?  The main idea is to provide more topical content in the form, for example, of news items and reports of our activities. The WordPress software we are now using makes this easy as well as easing the webmaster’s workload. Another good thing about it is that the site adapts automatically to different screen sizes so it will look good on your smart phone or tablet as well as a full size PC.

You will find some new things on the home page as well as the familiar list of next week’s walks. The full programme up to six months ahead is there and you can see where the walks start on a map.  The walks notice board is on the home page now as well and there is a map showing all the places we started walks from which might be useful when planning a walk for the future.  On the left of the page there are links to the latest five posted articles and links to each article category.

One of the categories is for the Winter 2014/5 newsletter.  Each article is published here as a separate post which has saved Ralph a lot of effort in laying out the pieces.  This is the last newsletter as such but individual articles can now be published at any time so the same information will still be available.