A Wintry Walk with Brian

The hardy winter ramblers in Cavedale

Seven (fool) hardy souls set off from Peak Forest on Tuesday 20th January. The snow had already started to fall before we set off up Old Dam Lane. Leaving the lane to cross the fields vision dropped to 100 metres due to mist and snow,and it was almost impossible to make out the footpath. The decision was taken to follow the country road into Castleton ,rather than getting lost in the mist over the fields. The road itself was impassable to traffic. As we descended into Castleton the mist lifted opening up a wonderful snow covered landscape. Castleton itself was almost deserted; unusual for such a tourist trap.

After lunch we ascended Cavedale, arguably the most attractive dale in Derbyshire,and certainly one of the most  challenging. Footprints in the snow indicated that there had literally been only one man and his dog before us all day. All the more surprising then to be caught up by a woman on Nordic skis.It really was  amazing how fast she moved uphill. Eleven miles in the snow felt more like 15 miles in normal conditions. But at least we all got back safely,even though most of us slipped once or twice : the snow cushioning the falls.

All in all quite an exhilarating day.

Brian Griffiths