Ever wondered why the footpaths in East Cheshire are in such good condition? Part of the answer lies in the efforts of about 40 volunteer Footpath Inspectors from East Cheshire Group, who make an annual survey of the footpaths in our area. The results are recorded in a database (allowing trends to be followed) and problem paths are reported to the Public Rights of Way Department at Cheshire East Council, whose response is monitored by the Group’s Footpath Committee, through consultative meetings and direct contacts about specific problems.

Our target is to inspect every public footpath in every parish at least once a year, and we have been achieving this complete coverage for the past several years. Planning for the 2016 survey is now in progress, but several of our regular inspectors are no longer available so we need 10 more volunteers to maintain full coverage. A typical inspector is responsible for all the paths in a single parish, and organises the inspections in whatever way he/she finds convenient and enjoyable. Basically, this just means walking the paths in your patch, and noting any problems. The total time involved is only a few days spread across the survey period (April and September).

If you have been following, or taking part in the Big Pathwatch, you will notice many similarities, but the two activities are complementary, with the Big Pathwatch providing a national overview, whilst our survey collects detailed information about individual paths in individual parishes, in the form needed to request specific remedial action by the local authority.

Footpath inspection is an enjoyable activity and a valuable public service. If you would like to take part, or for more information about what it entails, please email Tony at: