The 50th Anniversary Slideshow

Those of you who were at our fiftieth anniversary celebration in Lyme Park on July 15th will have seen the presentation of pictures illustrating our activities over about the last twenty years. Now everyone can view it in the comfort of their own home because it is now available on this web site under the ‘Photos’ menu.

The presentation is different each time it is viewed because the pictures are chosen at random from the 3000 or so on the web site and it will carry on until you stop it by pressing the Esc key. Start the presentation by clicking on the title page. There will be background music but if you want to view in silence hold down the shift key whilst clicking.

The pictures are the work of several of our members who have been active with their cameras on walks since about 2001. There are a few pictures from before that date but not many. I hope that the presentation will revive memories for older members and give an idea of the breadth of our activities to recent recruits and anyone who is considering joining us.

Roger Fielding