The Ramblers Go Bowling

The Ramblers bowling group taking a break outside the clubhouse

On Sunday 26 April East Cheshire Ramblers visited Macclesfield Bowling club for a  crown green coaching session.

Macclesfield Bowling Green is a quiet oasis in the heart of the town next door to the General Hospital.
The ramblers keen to explore new activities have recently tried gliding and today was the turn of a party of eleven to discover the intricies and skill of the bowling green.
Awaiting the Ramblers were four British crown green coaches who are attached to MBC.
Most ramblers had never been on a  green before and were given a one hour tuition session followed by a competitive games.
Fortunately the weather was perfect for the occasion and most discovered that the sport was more difficult than it looked.  Tea and biscuits gave the group  discussion time  on what the club had to offer.   As well as eleven league teams MBC holds many Open Competitions and social bowling is also very popular.
Chris Munslow