Weekend Away to Pickering October 18 – 20 2019


Pickering is an ancient market town  in the Ryedale district of North Yorkshire, England, on the border of the North York Moors National ParkHistorically part of the North Riding of Yorkshire, it sits at the foot of the moors, overlooking the Vale of Pickering to the south. The town as it exists today is of medieval origin.  From Pickering there is easy access to the North Yorkshire Moors by road, bus or train.


I hope to offer the 3 grades of walks on both days and would be grateful of offers to lead walks. I know the area quite well and will be able to help with suggested walks.

Saturday Group Evening meal

This will be at the Forest and Vale Hotel. We shall have sole use of their attractive dining room.  I will circulate a meal choice form in due course, the cost being around £26 for 3 courses and tea/coffee.

Friday evening meal

There are many pubs in Pickering plus other places to eat but I can organise a group meal in the Forest and Vale hotel which will be simple. E.g. Pie and chips or Fish and Chips details to follow later.

Sunday evening meal

The hotel does meals in the brasserie/bar and it will be possible to arrange tables and times to eat.


Forest and Vale Hotel – this is a very pleasant hotel situated on the roundabout between of the A170 and A169 close to the town centre with parking. They require us to occupy a reasonable number of rooms in order to have the main dining room on the Saturday evening.

Cost of rooms is for Bed and Breakfast with Tea/Cake on arrival and is as follows

Standard                         £230 2 nights                        £345 for 3 nights

Executive                        £261                                        £391.50

Superior                        £290                                        £453

A double room for single occupancy is £20 a night cheaper per room.

To book please contact the hotel 01751 472722 and mention ECR as they reserved rooms until the end of January for us to book. You will be asked for a deposit.

Other accommodation

Looking on the Internet you will find plenty of B and B’s plus self-catering accommodation. Pickering is a popular town and so much of it is of a high standard but not cheap. I visited nearby places

1. Black Swan – close by 9 rooms well reviewed and looked pleasant. Have a single at £70/ night or single use of double for £85.

2.Cawthorne House – £75single/night £85 double

3.Grindale House – also have cheaper single rooms

4.Bramwood Guest house – fairly close slightly cheaper than hotel.

Please let me know:
1.      if you will be coming
2.      where you will be staying

3.   your email or other contact details so that I can send you the updates on the walks and the Meal.

Ann Thompson,  email: athompson@email.com

Weekend Away To Ilkley 14 – 16 June 2019

Organiser’s Contact Details
The weekend is being run by Melanie Davy, Brooke Cottage, Church Road, Handforth Cheshire SK9 3LT

m.davy2906@gmail.com 01625 536511 / 07854 093785

Ilkley is a spa town approximately 12 miles north of Bradford and 17 miles northwest of Leeds. The town lies mainly on the south bank of the River Wharfe in Wharfedale, one of the Yorkshire Dales. The town centre is characterised by Victorian architecture, wide streets and floral displays and it has a high number of small independent shops. It is also one of five towns to feature a Betty’s Tea room. Ilkley Moor, which overlooks the town, is part of Rombald’s Moor, which has the second highest concentration of ancient carved stones in Europe.

Craiglands Hotel,Cowpasture Road, Ilkley, West Yorkshire, LS29 8RQ (01943 430001) www.craiglands.co.uk
Set in 6 acres of beautiful, landscaped grounds and woodland, Craiglands is just a short walk from the town and the famous Ilkley Moor.
I have visited the hotel and reserved 28 of the best rooms overlooking the valley.
Please don’t believe all the reviews on some of the review sites!

Hotel Cost

2 Nights (for Friday & Saturday night)

Single occupancy room: 2 night stay Dinner, B&B = £180

Double occupancy room: 2 night stay Dinner, B&B = £260

3 Nights (for Friday,Saturday & Sunday nights)

Single occupancy room: 2 night stay Dinner, B&B = £270

Double occupancy room: 2 night stay Dinner, B&B = £390

Hotel Booking

  • Reserve your hotel room through me using the attached form.

  • Deposit: Pay £25 deposit per person: £20 non-refundable deposit for the hotel and £5 recce fee per person.

  • Balance: must be paid to ECR by Wednesday 1st May. I will remind you a couple of weeks before this is due.

Please complete the attached form and pay your deposit and recce expenses as soon as possible. The hotel “rooms with a view” will be allocated on a first come, first served basis and will be held for ECR by the hotel until 5th April However, once the 28 rooms have gone, I cannot guarantee what rooms will be available, if any.

Non residents
If you don’t want to stay in the hotel, you are still very welcome to join us. Please complete the attached form as I will need your contact and emergency contact details and £5 recce expense payment. The hotel is very happy for you to join us for any of the evening meals at a cost of £25 per head. We hope that everyone will join us for the traditional Saturday night get together meal.

Payment Details
Click here to download a booking form

We hope to offer short, medium and long/long-medium walks on Saturday 15th and Sunday 16th June. This will be confirmed once walk leaders have been identified.

If anyone is interested in leading a walk, please let me know. I’m looking for short and long leaders.

A Talk About Canals By Duncan Learmond


A talk on the local canals by Duncan Learmond


7pm for 7-30pm at Macclesfield Tennis Club SK11 8LF

Duncan is an East Cheshire Ramblers Walk Leader, Secretary of Macclesfield Canal Society, a Boater and a Canal Adoption Work Party Leader ……….

Please support this event and maybe bring along a few friends.

Tickets £6, which includes a light supper, a licensed pay bar is available.

Jane Gay, Colin Finlayson, Sue Munslow, Kathryn Carty, Adrian Flinn, Dave Barraclough or Keith Anderson Maggie Swindells
16 Castle Hill Court
07729 327 940
Cheques Online Payment
RA East Cheshire Group Bank : Unity Trust
Sort Code : 60:83:01
Account Number : 20229929
Event Reference : TLK


ECR 2017 AGM – Annual Reports and Minutes of 2016 AGM

2017 AGM Chairman’s Report 2017 AGM Footpath Committee Report 2017 AGM Footpath Committee Report.2 2017 AGM Membership Secretary Report 2017 AGM Publicity Officer report 2017 AGM Social Secretary Report 2017 AGM Treasurer Report 2017 AGM Treasurer Account Sheets 2016 AGM Minutes (subject to approval at AGM 2017 2017 AGM Report ECR Footpath Projects Team Works